Monday, July 15, 2013

All Caught Up!

I officially have sent out that so called "stack" over the last couple weeks. I finished sending out all the letters on Wednesday. I received my first letter this month when I took a postcard to mail on Saturday. Here's a peek of what's in the mail lately. :)

The goal I am setting is to (hopefully) reply within two weeks of receiving the letter. Sometimes sooner, sometimes longer. But I really want to try and stay within that range. Thanks for the encouragement in my last post. All of you are so sweet. :)


  1. I love the feeling of getting caught up on my letter writing, then waiting in anticipation for the replies. :D
    I'm currently in the middle of writing yours and another letter, and then I have two more to reply to. :)


    1. I love the feeling too! Half of last week and this week I've been waiting in anticipation to receive letters. Can't wait for yours. :)

  2. I usually reply within a fortnight too.... There is one letter left in my received pile, but can't reply to that because she's away working away from home over the summer holidays....
    Those flower stamps are rather pretty :)

  3. I have a lot of mail I need to reply too. I should try and get some of it done this weekend. I see a letter for me too :) x

  4. how lovely! i truly wish i had more time to do letter swaps. it's on top of my to-do list this upcoming year before i head off to college next summer. XP
    much love | grace
